Very fortunate to have presented in front of the whole of Rackspace EMEA today at our company’s monthly openbook presentation. We revamped our Core Values and I was tasked with explaining what COMPASSION means to me in the workplace.
Whether you are a Rookie who has just come through the door or a tenured beast that has a flag above your desk with double digits and all those in-between, I guarantee you that at some point you have thought wow, that person really didn’t need to do that for me, or you were blown away by the commitment and dedication shown in a live issue; It’s the Racker that has an innate ability to go above and beyond for their clients, colleagues and community.
It is this shared ethos that is our special sauce, our lifeblood, its the Human element of the organisation that helps unify us and where Rackers exude compassion personally, professionally and in the wider community.
Thanks to my colleagues and friends for bringing the other values to life and the rest of the team that has brought this new evolution at Rackspace.