After 9.5 years, I am saying goodbye to a place that has been home for so long. Rackspace Technology UK truly is a special place and I am filled with gratitude for the experiences, memories & friends I have been graced with.
I am blessed to have worked for an organisation who has valued its employees and celebrated their diversity. Without a shadow of a doubt, I believe, through this lived experience as a Racker, that culture eats strategy for breakfast.
I am privileged to have served through the times of Lanham Napier, Taylor Rhodes, Graham Weston, Kirit Kishan, Darren Norfolk, Doreen John, Warren Jonas, Neil Barratt, Mari-Lou Waller, Wayne Hooper, Pratik Kotecha, Simon Roberts, Paul Bartram-Gent, Alex Galbraith & a million other people that were fundamental to my journey, through open books and Olympic days and Hawaiian shirts and summer parties and fun budgets abroad and beer on Thursdays and pizza on Fridays, the sales credit card and rackstars.
Shoutout to the Culture Instigators, Support Fundamentals, Zenspacers, Toast Rackers, MHFAs, Lavender, & RGB & Mentor Circles & really anyone that crossed my path, that shared a convo or a smile, a table tennis match or pool defeat, a summer world cup goal or a free ice cream.
Once a Racker, always a Racker!
Sumit Sharma has left the building..