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Sumit Sharma

International Yoga Day 2023

    Happy International Yoga Day! This weekend I had the pleasure of hosting a landmark event in celebration of this special day, in collaboration with Isha Foundation & IDUK Group (Indian Diaspora in UK) It was truly an honour to see so many individuals come together… Read More »International Yoga Day 2023

    Certified Digital Leader

      The customer demand for mutli-cloud has increased and the types of conversations I am having with my clients these days are usually #hybridcloud as I continue to assist in their Digital Transformation journey, so having the competency across the major cloud providers is something I… Read More »Certified Digital Leader

      PwC 20th Diwali Celebration

        What an amazing experience at PwC UK Hindu Network’s 20th annual Diwali function.Thanks to the organising committee and founder of the network Nilesh Solanki who shared some impactful words on passion and values, something we can all aspire to especially with the new beginnings story… Read More »PwC 20th Diwali Celebration

        Yoga for Mental Health

          This weekend saw me do yoga for mental health charity! It was World Mental Health Day last week and the good folks at HSS Sewa in Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead organised a yoga session to raise funds for the SAMARITANS, an organisation committed to helping… Read More »Yoga for Mental Health

          EP17 – Yoga Business

            Little & Often Yoga has become popular in the last decade, especially in the west, glamourised some would say, it’s hip, cool, and sexy, it has benefited millions of people both physically and mentally, and claims not to be a new science, but a tried… Read More »EP17 – Yoga Business

            EP16 – Funding Change

              “A lot of these clients will have different ambitions, but what I can do as a consultant is I can help them reach their ambitions around ESG that they care about and that we care about that do help move the world forward. If they… Read More »EP16 – Funding Change